Referencing and acknowledging the use of this facility
spacer spacer spacer spacer spacer spacer spacer
barra_r1_c1 barra_r1_c2 barra_r1_c3 barra_r1_c4 barra_r1_c5 barra_r1_c6 spacer
barra_r2_c1 spacer
barra_r3_c2 barra_r3_c5 spacer
barra_r4_c4 barra_r4_c6 spacer


Referencing: The paper Aparicio & Gallart (2004) should be referenced in papers making use of this facility.

Acknowledging: In addition, this formula (or similar) should be used in acknowledge section of papers making use of this facility:

"This work has made use of the IAC-STAR Synthetic CMD computation code. IAC-STAR is suported and maintained by the IT department of the Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias"

IAC-STAR is offered by the Stellar Populations in Galaxies research group at
La Laguna, Canary Island, Spain
(Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias and University of La Laguna).

This web page and the facility is maintained by the Servicios Informáticos Comunes del I.A.C. and by the Servicios Informáticos Específicos de Investigación y Enseñanza

Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias
C/ Vía Láctea s/n, tfno.: +34 922 605 200, fax: +34 922 605 210