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Up: IAC-star input/output guide
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The content of the IAC-star output file is as follows:
- Head: It contains information about the input parameters. In
- The total number of computed and stored stars.
- The minimum luminosity or maximum magnitude stored.
- The courrent age and the SFR law.
- The CEL and IMF parameters.
- The fraction of binaries and minimum secondary to primary
mass ratio.
- A heading line for the column
content, including a list of the photometric bands for which
magnitudes have been computed. Although in the current version this
is limited to the Johnson-Cousins plus IR most common filters, the
list may be expanded, reduced or changed in the future as an
optional feature.
- Column 1:
of the star. If it is a binary, this (and the
following four columns) corresponds to the primary (most massive star) of the
sistem. The value -9.999 is stored if this star is a dead member of
binary with an alive secondary.
- Column 2:
of the same star. The value -9.999 is
stored if the star is dead, as in column 1.
- Column 3:
, where
is the surface gravity, for the same
star. The value -9.999 is stored if the star is dead, as in column 1.
- Column 4: The initial mass of the star.
- Column 5: The current mass of the star. The mass of the remnant is
stored if the star is dead.
- Column 6:
of the secondary (less massive star) of the binary
sistem. The value -9.999 is stored if the star is not a binary. Note that,
since life time is larger for less massive stars and mass transfer is not
considered, it is impossible that the secondary is dead and the primary
alive in a binary system. On the other hand, if both components of the
binary were dead, they would not be written in the output file (although
they would have been considered for the total mass calculation).
- Column 7:
of the same star. The value -9.999 is
stored if the star is not a binary, as in column 6.
- Column 8:
of the same star. The value -9.999 is
stored if the star is not a binary, as in column 6.
- Column 9: The initial mass of the star. The value 0 is stored if the
star is not a binary. See what has been said in column 6 for dead stars.
- Column 10: The current mass of the star. The value 0 is stored if the
star is not a binary. See what has been said in column 6 for dead stars.
- Column 11: The age of the star. If it is a binary, both members are
assumed to have the same age.
- Column 12: The metallicity of the star. If it is a binary, both members
are assumed to have the same metallicity.
- Column 13: The secondary to primary initial mass ratio of the binary. If
the star is not a binary the value 0 is stored.
- Column 14: Bolometric magnitude of the system (primary plus secondary if
it is a binary).
- From column 15 ahead: magnitudes of the system (primary plus secondary
if it is a binary) in the filters listed in the head.
- Closing: Integrated quantities are provided in the file closing lines.
In particular:
- The total number of i) ever formed, ii) currently alive and iii) stored stars (single and binary) and the same for binaries only.
- The total mass ever incorporated into stars (in other
words, this is just the time integral of the SFR,
- The mass currently locked into alive stars and into stellar remnants.
- The logarithm of the total luminosity and the integrated magnitudes.
- The logarithm of the sume of squared luminosities (
, where
is the luminosity of the i-th star if it is
single or the total luminosity of the system, if it is binary) and the
magnitudes derived from this. These are the magnitudes associated
to surface brightness fluctuations (SBF). In this sense, IAC-star can be
used as a SBF population sysnthesis code (see Marín-Franch & Aparicio
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Antonio Aparicio